Via Verda Val de Zafan: Trams Terra Alta

Activity Info
- 49KM
- 400 m
Stretch Terra Alta: 26 km. Low stretch Ebre: 23 Km.
Localization: Ancient season of Moths –Lledó; Tortosa
Municipis: the path arrives for Aragó and crosses for municipal term of Moths, Horta of Saint Joan, Bot, Compte’s Prat, Pinell of Brai, municipal term of Benifallet, Xerta, Aldover, EMD Jesús, Roquetes and Tortosa.
Desnivell: 400 m
Hampered: it lowers.
Users: on foot, astride or with bicycle.
Accessibility: There is an accessible stretch of 5km comprised among the season of Bot until the Shrine of the Fontcalda.
Recommendations: cantimplora, camera of refill, light and repelen and bag for wastes.
Type of adamant: asphaltic cloak
Infrastructure: it crosses tunnels excavated at the rock with and without illumination, aqueducts, ancient railway stations, areas of leisure and bridges.
Seasons with kicks of restoration: Aldover and Benifallet. at Bot there is a wagon of rail enabled how kick of bar.
Points of potable water: Jesús, Aldover, Xerta, Bot and the Fontcalda.
Telephones of urgency: firemen 085, emergencies 112, ambulances 061 and health responds 902111444. The points with coverage for the stretch of Earth Alta are signalled.
Connection with other layout cicloturista: Of here it links with Tortosa’s Natural path-the Aldea-Deltebre to arrive until the mouth of the Delta of the Ebre
What is Via Verda
The Unripe Road is a tourist route restricted at itineraries that elapse on ancient rail infrastructures. At this case elapses for the ancient road fèrria of the Voucher of Zafan. The unripe road constitutes the ideal instrument to promote among the society a new culture of the leisure, of the sport alfresco and of the no motorised mobility. Besides, it represents an aid at the culture of the bicycle, of the walking and of the walks astride, since it generalises his use among all the citizens, exerting an important educational paper, at special for the youngest, since the big advantage of the Unripe Road is that it guarantees the accessibility and the universality of the users, without limitations of age or physical capacity.
The Unripe Road is a tourist path, of accès no motorised, that elapses for the ancient road fèrria of the Voucher of Zafan.
Historic antecedents
Attended the interest of the governance of the Aragon to have port of sea to explode his products, the year 1863 projected the layout to join the Puebla of Híjar (Aragó) with Saint Carles of the Ràpita (Catalonia).
The works commenced the 1882. The first stretch among The Puebla of Híjar and Alcanyís, inaugurated the 1895 and the prolongation until Tortosa did not achieve until 1942. The line of the Voucher of Zafan played an important logistic paper during the Battle of the Ebre.
This railway, met at the zone how the Sarmentero, since it crossed an earth of seeded of vineyards, was at operation 31 years. At all this time did not reach to conclude the last stretch, among Tortosa and Saint Carles of the Ràpita.
The sinking of a tunnel the 1971 among the seasons of the Pinell of Brai and Prat of Count served as a excuse for his definite shutdown the September of 1973.
Terra Alta: Places for where elapses. Moths-The Pinell of Brai
If we commence the resorted to Moths, situated at his main plaza will be able to admire a privileged panoramic of the Ports. The historic core of this people was declared well of cultural interest for the Generality of Catalonia and his City council is one of the first of style renaixentista.
To go at finding the unripe Road will have to exit of the populace along the way that it exits in front of the crossing of the road T-330 (Gandesa – Vale-of-oaks) with the entry at the populace, everything tracking the signaling that will take us during some 5 km roughly until the limits of Catalonia with the Aragon, beside the river Algars, place where finds a small assut ideal to take a bath. Since there, can contemplate the imponent bridge of concrete that saves the natural obstacle of the river, and where can practice sports of such quest how the ponting. Well near we find the season of Moths-Lledó, point of onset of the unripe Road of the Earth Alta.
We undertake the path for the unripe Road in the direction at Horta of Saint Joan .Tan only two kilometres part the season of the township. At the populace will be able to visit the Ecomuseu of the Ports and the Centre Picasso, being one of the visits obliged the medieval urban area with the plaza of the church , the city council and the church of Saint John the Baptist.
In front of Horta’s season of Saint Joan find the path that will take us to the Convent of Saint Salvador and to the natural room nicknamed “Corner of the Pots” place of big beauty and ideal place to take a bath at the waters of the river Canaleta.
Since Horta, the itinerary commences at lowering very softly. Several tunnels and aqueducts conform this part of the route until reaching the season of Bot, at the beautiful middle of the layout and beside the populace. The most significant edifice of Bot is the church renaixentista of Sant Blai situated in the middle of the populace. Also it can visit the hermitage of Saint Josep, since where sights a fantastic view of Bot, the saws of Pàndols and Horses and the unripe Road. Near of the hermitage finds the recreational area of the Slot of the Donzella.
Everything making the route, after Bot reach Prat’s season of Count. Prat of Count , at 4 km of the unripe Road is a small township forested at the epoch of the templers, where excels the church of Saint Bartomeu, the Portal (ancient door of entry at the populace), the distillery and the oven of bread.
At 1 km of Prat’s season of Count, and near of the route, find the Shrine of the Fontcalda: pool paisatgístic, termal and religious, place of stop obliged by those that resort the unripe Road. Situated among a vale, near of the river Canaleta gets the name of the font of hot water that brolla at the foot of the shrine of the 14th century. One caminet permits resseguir the straits that has formed the river with the step of the times. His clean and transparent waters invite at bathing and fruir intensely of this gift of the nature.
The end of the unripe Road of the Earth Alta is at the season of the Pinell of Brai, at 5 km of the Fontcalda. The populace of the Pinell will find it at 6km of the unripe Road, where nobody can cease visit Caesar’s modernist Cooperative Cellar Martinell, Gaudí’s disciple. The cooperative is the maximum exponent of the cooperatives constructed by this disciple of at Gaudí. The modernist style appreciates for the four sides. It is indispensable to contemplate the glorious frieze of ceramics vidriada situated at the façade of the cellar, work of at Xavier Nogués, where represent allegorical scenes at the vineyard.